Thank you for taking your 텐알바 time to read our piece about high-paying jobs in Korea. If you are looking for jobs in the field of Public Health, please read our guide for top 10 highest paying Public Health jobs, as well as a salary breakdown of top paying locations and industries. There are plenty of options to pursue a career in public health, but it is worth noting you will more than likely need a bachelors degree, and salaries will vary depending on geography, cost of living, the company, and job title or function.
Many top jobs require an MBA or another advanced degree, though there are plenty of examples of high-achieving individuals who did not pursue a formal education. In fact, some of the highest-paying part-time jobs are salaried full-time, paying over $40,000 per year, and some do not even require college degrees. While these jobs are higher-paying options for someone looking for part-time work, there are plenty more out there that may work better for you.
High-Paying Part-Time Jobs You Should Be Looking At You do not need to put in insane hours to earn a great deal. Like server at restaurants, bartending is one of those part-time jobs that pays pretty well depending on where you live and how much you can earn in tips. You may still find work that pays well depending on what you enjoy doing as a hobby.
The ability to earn substantially more could provide you with a bit of stability without the demands of full-time employment. That way, if, say, you want to only work 20 hours per week, you can forgo any side gigs that demand 30 hours.
If you go the part-time route, you might have to take on more than one client or one job in order to keep your job stable. Part-time hours are actually quite common, especially if you are working at smaller companies or if you are running a business, in essence. As far as compensation goes, $20.59 an hour is typical, although some earn $38.76 or more.
Going rates are in the range of PS8 to PS14 an hour, per dog, so if you are able to take care of more than one dog at a time, then hourly rates are among the best on the part-time jobs market for students.
As big brands know that they are going to make money, these online jobs usually pay quite well, and you can be arranged to work for a monthly retainer anywhere between $500-$5,000 a month, per customer. These higher-paying online jobs are some of the best ones for getting your foot in the door for location independence. This job may not be one of the best paying jobs online, and you may not earn millions, but if you can produce 10 awesome eBook resources and properly market them, you could make enough money to cover your expenses on the road.
This online work is great for travelers, as well as for telecommuters, and a lot of jobs can earn quite a bit. In that case, this blog has included a number of other good paying online jobs in this post, which will help you to make some money on your own. We hope that this blog on a lot of interesting jobs that pay well has given you a needed understanding of what these are, and how you can choose one.
The list has a lot of roles that require you to have certain IT skills, IT certifications, or training, and are fun jobs that pay well. Great British Mag is here to prove that, with 10 high paying, yet interesting jobs that you could take on as a student.
It does not matter whether you want to get into hospitality, sports, tech, or any other sector, there is always an exciting, high paying job out there for you. Plus, if you actually know the subject, then high paying tutoring gigs could be in your easiest high paying jobs category.
Since you have control over how many clients you accept, this could easily become a side hustle. Legitimate online jobs (whether they are part-time or full-time) provide an amazing level of flexibility, and although we like working overseas, you can take those online jobs from home, if that is what you want. You may be looking for part-time jobs because you cannot get full-time jobs, you need or want an additional income to supplement your existing job, or you like the flexibility or diversity that these positions provide.
Whether you are looking to earn on the side through part-time or short-term work, or are looking for a career change or full-time position that allows you to set your own hours, these freelance jobs and gig economy jobs provide a wide range of quality options. While the jobs listed below are almost always hourly, shift-based, or independently scheduled, there are plenty of other positions that could be turned into part-time gigs after talking with a manager or potential manager. From writing to graphic design to elder care, there are parts with stricter requirements than many options on the above list.
Jobs that let you work fewer than 34 hours per week — the Bureau of Labor Statistics definition of part-time work — are perfect for parents, students, and retirees. Software engineers typically need to work 40 hours per week, not including overtime. In general, salaries may be higher for public health professionals in larger metro areas, like New York City or California, but this depends heavily on the type of public health work, too.
The hourly rates earned by gig workers will vary greatly depending on various factors, but it is not unreasonable to shoot for $20 an hour straight out of the gate–and much more if you bring sought-after skills to the table.
Add 15 years or more on the job, and you could boost pay above $93,000, according to pay-research company Payscale. The best jobs on this list can earn more than $500,000 per year, with little to no previous experience. Many of the highest-paying jobs require years of education and experience in the job, as well as a record of proven success in a chosen field or discipline.
Kinda like peanut butter and Oreos, except that the jobs we are talking about have lower hours (20 hours per week or less) and higher salaries (up to $50,000, but at least $20,000 per year), which, in our biased opinion, is much better.